What We Do

What We Do

Wright County Area United Way ensures that resources are used locally to create positive, long-lasting changes in the community for years to come. We do this by addressing the underlying causes of problems so that they can be eliminated before they begin.

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Focus Area: Food

No one in our community should ever go to sleep hungry. We all share a stake helping our neighbors get help when they are struggling or in crisis.



  • Households in need of food shelf assistance doubled between 2006 and 2010.
  • One in four Wright County students is eligible for free or reduced lunches.
  • Seniors are the fasted growing segment of the population visiting food shelves.
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Focus Area: Shelter

Your investment supports the building blocks for better community. Emergency Shelter programs provide housing to homeless individuals and families, and provide assistance in keeping families in their homes.



  • Over 6000 Wright County residents live in poverty.
  • One in three homeless parents continue to work at a job.
  • Wright County ranks tenth in population, but 5th in child protection cases.
  • One-third of the homeless are children, half of them under age 5.
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Focus Area: Health

Whether it is needed health screenings, victims of abuse, or someone struggling with mental illness, our United Way is working to improve the health and safety of our community members.



  • Of children ages 9 -17, one in five have a mental or addictive disorder impacting them at school, in their family, or with friends.
  • Suicide is the number one killer of teens in MN.
  • 4 in 5 cyclists injured in an accident survived when wearing a helmet.
  • From 2003 to 2007, an average of 24,420 Minnesotans were diagnosed with a potentially serious cancer each year. More than 9,060 Minnesotans died of these diseases annually.
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Focus Area: Education

Education is the cornerstone of individual and community success. Our United Way works with youth and local school districts to keep kids on track toward graduation and becoming contributing members of our communities.



  • Putting books in the hands of children increases their reading skills & improves their attitude.
  • Nearly one-third of the Wright County population is under age 18.
  • Students that fall behind in school stay behind. Unprepared students cost our communities thousands in remedial education.


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